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来源:太阳集团tyc539 浏览人数: 发布时间:2019-11-04


   目: Two topics on Swift-Hohenberg equations

报告人:王金涛 博士后

主持人:赵才地 教授

   间: 2019118日下午1535——1635

   点:太阳集团tyc539三号楼二楼学术报告厅 3B205

【摘要】 In this talk, I will introduce my new work on two types of Swift-Hohenberg (SH) equations. In the first part, I gave a consistent definition of recurrent solutions for different types of dynamical systems. By applying Conley index theory, I proved the existence of recurrent solutions of nonautonomous modified SH equation, and showed that there exist at least two recurrent solutions under appropriate assumptions. In the second part, I considered the two-dimensional stochastic nonlocal SH equation with multiplicative noise and deterministic forcing . Under the assumption that , we study the asymptotic behaviors of pullback random attractors of the random dynamical systems as the stochastic perturbations approach zero and prove the upper semi-continuity.


博士,河南驻马店人,2016年毕业于天津大学理学院数学系,师从 李德生 教授;现在华中科技大学数学中心作博士后,合作导师:段金桥 教授。主要从事Conley指标的推广与应用、动力系统不变集的拓扑结构与性质、(随机、时滞、非自治)偏微分方程理论以及分岔理论等方面的研究,正在主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项。


地址:太阳集团tyc539南校区3号楼 电话:00-86-0577-86689098 传真:00-86-0577-86689528 邮编:325035 邮箱:slxy@wzu.edu.cn



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