来源:太阳集团tyc539 浏览人数: 发布时间:2024-06-17
太阳集团tyc5392024 第 21 期 数理大讲堂
主讲人:严 洁 教授
主持人:杨光参 教授
讲座题目:Force-dependent interactions of biomolecules(生物分子的力依赖相互作用)
Abstract: Cells sense (mechanosensing) and react (mechanotransduction) to mechanical signals in their environment, which is crucial for many basic cellular functions. This mechanosensing relies on the formation of tension-transmission linkages made of non-covalently connected proteins. Cells detect dynamic tensile forces through these linkages. Protein domains and their interfaces undergo changes due to intracellular tensile forces, leading to complex connectivity of the linkages, domain alterations, and interactions among proteins in the linkage and signaling proteins in the cytosol. In my talk, I will outline the biophysical principles of force-dependent biomolecule interactions and delve into their roles in cell-matrix adhesions, adhesion GPCR activation, and bacterial adhesions. In addition, I will also discuss how to utilize highly specific mechanical signature of biomolecular complexes to develop novel diagnostic technologies.