2024年4月10日万学远 教授学术讲座
来源:太阳集团tyc539 浏览人数: 发布时间:2024-04-08
太阳集团tyc539 2024 第12期 数理大讲堂
主讲人: 万学远 教授(重庆理工大学)
主持人: 冯惠涛 教授(南开大学)
讲座题目:Scalar curvature rigidity of parabolic convex polytopes in hyperbolic space
摘要:In odd dimensions, we prove a scalar curvature rigidity for parabolic convex polytopes in hyperbolic space enclosed by linear planes in the Poincaré upper half-space model and convex with respect to the conformally related flat metric. Our method is based on spinor techniques and relies on the recent smoothing constructions of Brendle-Wang. We also prove a Llarull type rigidity for bounded smooth parabolic convex domains and a dihedral rigidity for polytopal initial data sets with dominant energy conditions. This work is joint with Xiaoxiang Chai.