2024年4月10日彦文娇 教授学术讲座
来源:太阳集团tyc539 浏览人数: 发布时间:2024-04-07
太阳集团tyc5392024第 8 期 数理大讲堂
主讲人: 彦文娇 教授(北京师范大学)
主持人: 唐梓洲 教授(南开大学)
讲座题目:Results related with complex structures on S^6
摘要:It is a longstanding problem that whether there exists a complex structure on the 6-dimensional sphere? Many famous mathematicians have made efforts on this problem, such as Hopf, Wen-tsun Wu, Borel, Serre, LeBrun, Shiing-Shen Chern, Atiyah, etc. This talk consists of two parts. (i) Taking advantage of isoparametric theory, we construct complex structures on certain isoparametric hypersurfaces in the unit sphere. As a consequence, there is a closed 8-dimensional manifold N^8 such that there exists a complex structure on S^6×N^8. (ii) As a generalization of LeBrun's result, we prove that there is no orthogonal almost complex structure on the standard S^6 with the length of Nijenhuis tensor is smaller than a certain constant everywhere. This talk is based on joint works with Professor Zizhou Tang.