来源:太阳集团tyc539 浏览人数: 发布时间:2023-11-29
报告题目:Introduction to Quantum Computation
主讲人:吴连坳 教授
主持人:何林李 教授
摘要:Quantum computing is a new computing model that follows the laws of quantum mechanics to regulate quantum information units for computation. Against the traditional general-purpose computer, whose theoretical model is a general-purpose Turing machine; the general-purpose quantum computer, whose theoretical model is a general-purpose Turing machine reinterpreted with the laws of quantum mechanics. In terms of computable problems, quantum computers can only solve problems that traditional computers can solve, but in terms of computational efficiency, certain known quantum algorithms are faster than traditional general-purpose computers in dealing with problems due to the existence of quantum mechanical superposition. I will briefly introduce quantum computation, in particular quantum circuit model.
(主讲人)简介:吴连坳教授,西班牙巴斯克大学Ikerbasque教授。1989年 吉林大学理论物理专业获博士学位。此后曾在加拿大,中国,日本,欧洲,美国等地研究机构从事多年研究工作。曾获德国洪堡学者基金、日本文部 省杰出中心教职等。研究方向包括量子开放系统,量子信息, 量子控制等。在国外学术刊物上发表SCI论文 百余篇,含Phys. Rev.系列60余篇(其中包括Phys. Rev. Lett.文章15篇)